“The cycle of violence never seems to end there, and everyone has an opinion on who is to blame. Israel. Palestine. Netanyahu. H

“The cycle of violence never seems to end there, and everyone has an opinion on who is to blame. Israel. Palestine. Netanyahu. HAMAS. Everyone chooses which side they’re on. But they’re all wrong. It’s pretty obvious who’s to blame for this whole mess. The British! All right? You, Britain, and your retirement home king are the ones who unprincipledly piled into the Middle East and drew the borders that caused all this chaos. And by the way, they did it all over the world. And modern civilization is all about fixing all of Britain’s bad decisions. You want to know how horribly they fucked up the maps? They split Ireland into two islands. And it’s an island! Why would it have borders? But the British are like - hey, there you go! So maybe here’s the best way to make peace. Israel and Palestine! It’s time to put aside your grudges and unite to take over Britain!“: American talk shows have found a way out of the conflict in the Middle East Источник: Slavyangrad
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