Aikido - Yokomen uchi by Bruno Gonzalez

πŸŽ₯ Aikido Bruno Gonzalez summer camp Cercle Tissier Vincennes 2019 Part 1/6 In this video we start with some various dodges on Yokomen uchi. The general idea is to fix and to lure uke on one possible meeting point. Then you move aside or disappear. The important point is to face the attack as long as you can without disturbing it. The challenge is also to keep a open body, in other words, to fight against this instinctive tendency to react by closing the body In these dodging proposal exercises do not use the arms first. They only follow the body movement, then technique start... 0:10 Another important point is that tori should not shorten or modify the attack by moving too early. The attack should keep its length its intensity and its trajectory as long as possible. 0:19 Stay as close as possible to the attack, do not run away. This will place you in an ideal position to act on your partner in martial or peaceful way 0:28 Fix a meeting point, then relax your head as you rotate 0:47 Absorb the atta
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