~【くま斗】 うそつき 【踊ってみた】 - Niconico Video sm38525153

I want you to be my favorite forever I’m Kumato (`・ ω ・ ´) I danced at the request of someone who always supports me (* ´ 艸 `) ♡ Just 6 years? I’ve kept you waiting ... (´; ω; `) I’m really sorry (ノ Д`) ・ ゜ ・. I’ve devised a way to put in emotions more than usual, so please take a look to the end! Comments & My Lists & Likes I’m always encouraged! !! thank you very much! Head family: sm14703600 Borrowed sound source: sm14825960 Choreographer: sm22063923 Shooting cooperation & thumbnail: Rijeka くま斗【mylist/33453387】【twitter:@_kumato_】 前作:だから言ったでしょ?→sm38487228 次作:ハーゲンダッツ以下の殺風景→sm38557312 くま斗 04/02/2021 14:30 Views 538
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