The Genius AI Behind The Sims

The Sims uses a super smart AI system to make virtual people who think, feel, and interact in a believable way. Here’s how. GMTK is powered by Patreon - Watch ad-free on Nebula - === Sources and Resources === - Footnotes (1) Most numbers in this video are for illustrative purposes only, and do not necessarily represent the values in any The Sims game. (2) In The Sims 3, the “Comfort“ and “Room“ motives are removed, leaving six basic needs. These are instead represented by “Moodlets“, which are little boosts and nerfs to the Sim’s happiness for doing things like sitting in a comfy chair or walking into a smelly room. (3) The Sims are strictly male and female in the first three games, but The Sims 4 expands this with the ability to individually set a character’s appearance, pronouns, and more. - Sources [1] Those Darned Sims: What Makes Them T
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