Top 6 Figure Skating Signature Moves [Fan-imaginative Dialogues]

Skip to for the start of the Top 6 moves presentation. What are the signature moves that defines the current competitive figure skaters? And if they can talk while performing those moves, what would they say? ** This is just a fun piece of compilation for the special signature moves performed by figure skaters Presenting Figure Skaters:- #Yuzuruhanyu - #Hydroblade #Inabauer #Nathanchen - #Spreadeagle #Quads #Shomauno - #Cantilever #Boyangjin - Hydroblading #Jasonbrown - #Spiralsequence #Junhwancha - Ina bauer #Kevinaymoz - Revolution ina bauer #Denissvasiljevs - #sitspin #Alinazagitova - Cantilever #Charlottespiral #Evgeniamedvedeva - #Ispiral #skidspiral #Alexandratrusova - Cantilever #Alenakostornaia - #Kerriganspiral #Annashscherbakova - Kerriganspiral #Yspiral #Arabasque #Eunsoolim - Kerriganspiral #Bradetennel - Kerriganspiral, Yspiral, Arabasque #Kamilavalieva - #unusualspin #Satokomiyahara - #superdifficultspin #Rikakihira -
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