I filmed my body EVERY DAY FOR A MONTH & this happened... #Shorts

Did you know that the average woman ✨TEMPORARILY✨ gains more than 2kgs on her period? 🤯⤵️ You’re not gaining weight, it’s your period gal! 😘 It’s so easy to be harder on ourselves around that time of the month... We bloat like crazy, we break out in pimples, we crave all the stuff the media has convinced us is bad for us, we get cramps, we’re emotional as heck & overall just not having a great time... Leave a ‘😅’ in the comments if you can relate, I know I’m not the only one haha! That’s exactly why it’s important to remember: 1️⃣ how amazing our bodies are & 2️⃣ to be kinder to ourselves when that week of the month comes around (sometimes the symptoms can start creeping in earlier too, YAY 😳) Things that help me feel better when I’m on my ‘ladies’: ✨ resting when I need to rest ✨ giving into my cravings in moderation or reaching for a healthier alternati
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