French Ceremonies At Expo (1967)

Montreal, Canada. Intermittent sound. French National day celebrations at Expo 67. LS Guard of Honour arriving Place des Nations playing “Vive La Canadienne“. Zoom In on Royal Canadian Horse Artillery L/R. MLS French sailors in crowd. MLS President de Gaulle walking by on dais Pan right to crowd in Place des Nations. LS Zoom In on de Gaulle, Commissioner General Dupuy, Mrs. Robert Shaw and Mme. de Gaulle. LS Crowd Pan left to dais - “La Marseillaise“, being played by band. MS French flag raised. MLS Crowd. H/A MLS de Gaulle inspecting Guard of Honour. MLS Crowd waving and shouting. LS French sailors, Expo band and crowd on opposite side. MCS General Pierre Dupuy at microphone. (Speech) (.) LS Crowd at right in Place des Nations. MCS Dupuy speaking. MLS Crowd with Zoom Out for LS Crowd waving. MCS President de Gaulle on podium. (Speech) (.) LS Crowd - Pan L/R Place des Nations - sailors and crowds. MCS De Gaulle speaking. (..) MLS Crowd Pan L/R. LS Of band and crowd in bg. playing,
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