AUTUMN / WINTER 2024 SATURDAY 2 MARCH 2024, 18H30 ESPACE DES BLANCS MANTEAUX, PARIS “This is my second show. The sophomore effort is always particularly arduous, in all creative fields. It is the moment when a vision truly becomes apparent. The roots of my idea of what Ann should be lie in the power of indefiniteness, in an ambiguity of dressing, being and behaving that allows the freedom to be as one wants, boundlessly. I see Ann as a mindscape more than a brand. As such, it demands to be built piece by piece, adding, taking away, morphing things as we go along. The elephant in the room, in such a plan, is the archive: the extraordinary corpus built by Ann in her viscerally personal career. I aim at being just as personal, which essentially means free. The archive to me is a forest, in which to enter and get lost, discovering myself as I discover things while continuing getting lost, maybe forgetting something familiar to find something new. There is no other way, I believe, to move forward. Thi
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