What is Design Thinking (2015)

Design Thinking. Brought to you by Daylight Design. Suppose you are part of a thriving business and need to branch out and find that next big thing. Or say you want to change a behavior, like getting lot of use less energy in their homes. How would you go about it? Design thinking is a powerful tool to tackle the unknown. It’s a means of going on an expedition, without a map, without even knowing the destination, but with the confidence that you’ll end up somewhere great. Let’s make it tangible with an example that captures the five key elements of design thinking. Daylight was given the challenge of getting kids in America to move more to help fight childhood obesity. The project started with an idea--provide kids with a digital music player that has a motion sensor, then give them rewards based on their activity. But the big question was, would kids really use it? What could make the experience so compelling that they would use it long enough to see the
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