Present Perfect Simple (to talk about experiences)

Thank you for joining us in the studio this evening. Tell us about your teaching experience, your travels, all the exciting things you have done. As an English teacher, I’ve lived in a lot of different countries. I lived in Indonesia and Vietnam for 2 years and in this job I’ve met an amazing amount of people who have travelled in different places in the world a very international group and it’s really fun to talk to all the other teachers about the countries they’ve been to. How are your Saudi experience? What exciting things have you done so far? I’ve been to Al Diriyah which was really amazing and beautiful and I’ve eaten in a Saudi restaurant Najd Village. I’ve tried a lot of different Saudi foods and Kabsa I like very much. Also, I’ve tried the grape leaves with rice in them and I don’t remember what that’s called but that’s really good too. It seems you’ve done everything, Leann. Is there anything you haven’t done? I’ve never been to the Pyramids in Egypt. I’d really like to do that. I’ve never been to Bahrain. I’ve never been to Yemen. What else? I’ve never camped put in the desert over night. Thank you Lean for sharing your experiences with us. It was a pressure talking to you.
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