The Beauty of What We Just Don’t Know (A Philosophy of Trust)

The quest for answers has propelled us into exploration, science, and technological advancements that have dragged the prehistoric humans from caves into offices. We know more about the environment and the history of terrestrial life than ever before. And with a manned mission to a neighboring planet in the near future, we are ready to enter new territory. But despite a vast and growing understanding of the cosmos, there are still so many things that we don’t have a clue about. Things like the existence of God and the secrets that hide in the endless blackness that surrounds us. Who are we? Who started this? Why are we here? Do we, perhaps, live in a simulation? Like many things that we simply don’t know, questions like these irritate people, as human beings tend to be restless in the face of chaos. For some reason, we must have answers, and if we don’t, we’re willing to construct them ourselves, often based on very simplistic, incomplete ideas, or even downright nonsense. Thus we’re willing to commit philo
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