RUST’s Most UNIQUE PEEKS - A Rust Building Tutorial

A strong Rust base design, even if it’s cheap and casual, can benefit from some base defenses in the form of shooting floor peekdowns. In this Rust building tutorial, I present you with some great Rust building tricks, both new and old, on the theme of cheap base peeks and shooting floors. These are mostly suited for rust solo bases, duo bases, and more casual base designs where you don’t want to be farming upkeep all day for expensive shooting floor solutions (such as widegaps). They’re also interesting for compound gatehouses, raid towers, raid defense, and very cheap area-control in general. But of course, learning rust building tricks is a joy unto itself, and you never know when that one building trick you saw will suddenly become a solution to a base design problem you run into. So check out the rest of my videos and learn how to build in Rust, with many more in-depth Rust building guides and tutorials. SHOUTOUTS to some great Rust building experts: @eKostiK
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