I Liq Chuan - training for student level 6 , part 3
This Alexander Skaloskub, the Chief Instructor of Russia working with me here on a drill for student level 6, which involves spinning hands with stepping, kicking, range and section. Here we use opening and closing of the body to counter the opponents attempts in change range and section. There’s a little bit of everything going on here (pull push, range and section, stepping, etc.)
Lotsa fun and I’m very grateful to Alex for spending so much time with me.
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5 months ago 00:01:38 1
Экзема - Результат | BEVERONE
5 months ago 00:03:01 1
Грыжа диска поясничного отдела позвоночника, хроническая анемия, бессонница - Результат | BEVERONE