
Джумалыкызык - аутентичная деревня в Бурсе (Турция), сохранившая атмосферу Османской империи. Бурса - первая столица Османской империи. Деревне Джумалыкызык более 700 лет. Зарегистрирована в качестве объекта всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Cumalıkızık is a village in the Yıldırım district of Bursa Province, located 10 kilometers east of the city of Bursa, at the foot of Mount Uludağ. Its history goes back to the Ottoman Empire’s foundation period. Cumalıkızık was founded as a vakıf village. The historical texture of the village has been well protected and the civilian countryside architectural structures of the early Ottoman period are still intact. Because of this, Cumalıkızık has become a popular but still unspoiled center for tourists.
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