Popular Line Dances (BEGINNER DANCE TUTORIAL) Cupid Shuffle, Wobble, Cha-Cha Slide -- Step-by-Step

****CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE THE FULL DANCES WITH MUSIC!**** Featuring the Cupid Shuffle, the Wobble, and the Cha-Cha Slide, this step-by-step tutorial breaks down all the moves! Great practice for a wedding, a reception, a dance party, or just to get up and moving. Put all 3 dances together for a 15-Minute Dance Party! If you don’t have 15 minutes, aim for doing 2 routines for 10 minutes or just 1 routine for 5 minutes. Any amount of time dancing is better than no dancing at all. ;) CUPID SHUFFLE - :41 WOBBLE - 5:40 CHA-CHA SLIDE - 11:15 *DANCE IS FOR EVERYONE!!* JOIN THE DANCE PARTY! Subscribe for access to the latest tutorials, tips, and online programs: Let’s connect! Instagram: Facebook: *This tutorial does NOT include the m
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