Nightcloud and Leafpool AMV - Misery Business

PHEW! I’ve finally finished! You have NO idea how much of a pain this was to work on - as well as keep a secret! I got so close to letting slip that I was working on a Warriors animation, but I managed to keep my mouth shut so I could surprise you! This is my first Warriors AMV, and my 100 subscribers video! THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO’S SUBBED TO ME AND EVERYONE WHO HAS SUPPORTED ME! This animation probably has to go as second on my list of “Hardest to Animate,“ right underneath Half Moon 3. Hence the boring repetition. Sorry about all the repeated animations and pictures! The animations took a loooooong time to make! I don’t even remember when I started this project. It started when I’d first gotten a tablet, I think. That’s why Crowfeather and Nightcloud’s designs changed around the beginning. I know I made a few animating errors - anatomy, skipping around, and making Leafpool’s eyes green instead of amber in some scenes. So
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