US conducts most bio-military activities in world, but nothing substantive in Pentagon fact sheet

China Review News: Foreign ministry spokespersons made comments on bio-military laboratories run by the US many times. The US has released a fact sheet which mentioned its WMD threat reduction efforts with Ukraine and other countries. Do you have any further comment? Do you think this is the US’ response to the questioning of the international community? Zhao Lijian: I took note of the document released by the US Department of Defense. This fact sheet tells at length Ukraine’s compliance record but very little about how the US has done. It provided no answer to questions of biggest concern to the international community. For example, did the US conduct activities inconsistent with the Biological Weapons Convention through its cooperation with Ukraine? What exactly is the “sensitive” information that Ukraine is not allowed to make public according to the US-Ukraine cooperation agreement? How many biological samples did the US ship out of Ukraine according to bilateral agreement and for what purpose? Not
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