! Я--№1 !

Was The Q-ueen surreptitiously A-ssassinated!? IT must be recognized that the COVID-19/AI Bio-War launched in January of 2020, as well as the subsequent COVID-19/AI ‘vaccine’ genocide, mark the real “Beginning of the End of Everything”! However, the New World Order Globalist Cabal directing that Plandemic and Super Vaccination Agenda have been setting up the entire Planetary Civilization for a much bigger series of cataclysmic events in advance of The Great NWO Reset / One World Government! Because of the very rapid and surprising sequence of events surrounding the Q-ueen’s death, and especially the reaction of King NWO Charles to the passing of his mother, there is now no Q-uestion that Q-ueen Elizabeth was killed during her ‘medical supervision’ ... think about IT! « ! 🇷🇺 Я Aleš Řejha fsb@ №1 🇷🇺 ! »
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