The Execution Of The Nun Of Ravensbruck

Inside of the concentration camps of the Second World War, there were thousands of prisoners who were executed. Inside of Ravensbruck, 50,000 women would never make it out alive. Ravensbruck was an all female concentration camp, but one incredible woman was sent there towards the end of World War 2. Elise Rivet was a nun who was a Mother Superior inside of a nunnery in France, but her religious order would give shelter to people who were being persecuted. She also helped to stockpile ammunition for the French Resistance. This was considered treason, and then Elise Rivet was investigated by the Gestapo and was arrested. She was then sent to Ravensbruck Concentration Camp, and she lived here for a number of months. But during one selection a mother was selected to go to the gas chambers by the SS guards. Elise instead volunteered and gave her life in the place of this mother who would one day go on to see her children again. Her heroic act of sacrifice was incredible. Join us today as we look at,
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