Winterforst - Awakening [FULL EP]

Artist: Winterforst Album: Awakening (EP) Country: Switzerland Genre: Black Metal Year: 2015 (Written and recorded in March 2015) Tracklist: 1. Dreams On Raven Wings 00:00 2. For you 07:45 3. Old Albion (Skrewdriver Cover) 09:47 The reason I’m releasing those two songs included in this EP, “Dreams On Raven Wings” and “For you” will not be revealed to the internet, since it is something too important and intimate. Just don’t ask and listen as the sounds of spring slowly connect with the endless dimensions of your emotions. Old Albion is attached, a cover by british band Skrewdriver. The cove...r picture was taken by myself in April 2014 in eastern Switzerland.
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