A reconnaissance group of paratroopers captured enemy stronghold

A reconnaissance group of paratroopers captured enemy stronghold Scouts of the Airborne Forces received information about the build-up of enemy forces north of Artyomovsk. The reconnaissance group moved to the indicated point on BMD-2K-AU airborne combat vehicles, where it dismounted and then moved forward to carry out the mission on foot. Any communication using a signal system, exclusively in sign language. The combat mission was assigned to the group to identify and destroy the personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and mercenaries in a given square. After preliminary reconnaissance of the area from the air using an unmanned aerial vehicle, the scouts split up to strike enemy and mercenary groups. As a result of the fire strike, the enemy was deprived of the ability to move quickly. A group of mercenaries began to move along the front deep into the forest plantation, where they were covered by fire from an armored group. The airborne combat vehicles covered the enemy’s manpower in a firebag from different sides. Upon completion of the fire attack, the inspection subgroup entered the area and destroyed the enemy with small arms and machine gun fire. After completing the combat mission, the servicemen made a multi-kilometer march to the evacuation site and drove out in an infantry fighting vehicle to the assembly point. Join Military Wave Источник: Military Wave
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