Art : music & sculpture - Gian Lorenzo Bernini on Bach Mendelssohn Mozart Beethoven

Visit our page on facebook ▶ BUY: ▶ HALIDON A collection of Bernini’s most important sculptures and architectures on Bach’s, Mendelssohn’s , Mozart’s and Beethoven’s masterpieces. Bach - Preludio e fuga No. 21 (00:00) Mendelsshon - Speranza (02:40) Mozart -- Sonata No. 3 (07:33) Beethoven -- Concerto for pianoforte and orchestra No. 3 -- III mov (10:20) Photos by: Luca Alessi Yair Haklai Int3gr4te Peter80 Sailko Attilios Raymac Roccuz Andreas Praefcke Lalupa Jensens Wikibob Nicolas Mailfait Enth’ust’eac Torvindus Nina-no Ricardo André Frantz D. Gayo Ogre Manfred Heyde MM SteO153 CC-BY-SA-3.0 Quadell F. Ilariucci LPLT Maksim Tango7174 Anthony M. Nickel Chromo Gianfranco Thank you so much for watching this video by Halidon Music channel, we hope you enjoy it! Don’t forget to share it and subscribe to our channel ......All the best classical music ever on Halidon Music Youtube Channel : The Best Classical Music P
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