Modern Home Design Take Advantage Of The Beautiful Views Of The City Below

On a complex multilevel lot overlooking the city of Beverly Hills, this project was designed to take advantage of the beautiful views of the city below, as well as the entire Los Angeles basin. The house is inspired by the rich history of modernism in California, in both its plan and material choices. Open in concept and focused around the pool and garden area, the upper level blends seamlessly with its surroundings. Programmatic requirements for additional space and the city’s restrictions on grading led to a design that wrapped the lower level around a basement courtyard, to draw as much light as possible deep into the floor plan. The approach from the street up a steep driveway leads to a generous drive court where a relaxed limestone stair continues the climb to the entry of the home. Upon arrival at the glass entry foyer, the view opens up across a skylit stairwell. The main living and dining space opens completely on both sides, allowing for cross ventilation, and the sense of being outdo
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