College Days | Short Comic Animation #363

Embark on a heartwarming adventure with two furry half-dragon sisters as they uncover the hidden treasures of their mother’s past. In this charming comic, Lily and Violet stumble upon a trove of old photographs, each one a precious glimpse into their mother’s colorful history. As they sift through the memories, they are transported back in time, discovering a side of their mom they never knew existed. “Look!“ she cries, holding up a dusty album filled with faded images. What follows is a journey through their mother’s life, from her days as a dedicated student earning her Alchemy degree to her thrilling adventures as a young explorer. But it’s the wild photos from her college days that truly capture their imagination. As they peer at each image, they can’t help but wonder about the woman behind the lens. What secrets does she hold? What dreams did she dare to chase? With each turn of the page, Lily and Violet are drawn deeper into the mystery, uncovering clues t
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