Mass Effect 3 - 2181 Despoina (1 Hour of Music)

1 hour of music including six video sequences of 2181 Despoina’s Ocean,, from Mass Effect 3. The two songs here mixed together are the ones that play as you descent down towards the probe, and during the Leviathan conversation. Music composed by Sascha Dikiciyan and Cris Velasco It is incredible how the mass effect trilogy created that feeling of cosmic horror if the almost omnipotent reapers were not enough their creators and their way to see the other races are scary enough to compare them with Lovecraftnian deities. The truth about the reapers and their creators. The scale of the battle you’re waging isn’t just this cycle and this countless cycles and galaxies full of life that came before, all watching you struggle from the POV of the reapers themselves. And you’re one man/woman against all that. And still somehow win, despite all odds. The very nature of a video game makes that scale hard to show and comprehend as the player, but the Mass Effect trilogy does a better job than pretty much anybody else at it. The music gives the sense that we’re approaching something mysterious and crazy ancient, and also rather scary. We’re searching for this thing at the bottom of an incredibly deep ocean, something which in and of itself has always inspired feelings of wonder, awe, and fear. And the Leviathan itself is a creature unfathomable age, displaying powers the likes of which we can barely grasp if at all. All of these combine beautifully to create an incredible, rather Lovecraftian moment of gameplay.
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