Miquel Roman: Suspiro 2

Miquel Roman Suspiro 2. Filmed in Barcelona, Spain. 2012. ::ENGLISH:: Hi, You know, I think life is short. Here is my Message. Move forward NOW. Don’t wait those four more classes, those two months, those next years. Don’t wait until the things are perfect to take the leap. If you want to do something, do it NOW. Move forward right NOW. You already have all you need. So listen: run into the light. “Stand up and face the bright light. Don’t hide your eyes. It’s time“. And your Dreams will become a Reality. See you. -Miquel ::ESPAÑOL:: Hola, Sabéis, creo que la vida es corta. He aquí mi Mensaje. Muévete hacia adelante AHORA. No esperes esas cuatro clases más, esos dos meses más o ese año que viene. No
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