3D Printed Fan Module (assembly video)

This is an assembly video for the fan module, a beginner level Gearfinity module. The fan module is a fun way to explore with planetary gears while staying cool in the summer heat. To learn more and join the Gearfinity community go to For 3D printing recommendations and part info check out the Parts List below. --- Gearfinity is an open-source, fully 3D printable modular construction system. It empowers enthusiasts to build complex mechanical constructs with no external parts - everything is 3D printed. Get a hands-on experience of engineering, mechanics, and the power of 3D printing with Gearfinity. Check out our Thingiverse page or Github repo below for more Gearfinity projects! --- - website: - Thingiverse: - Github: - Parts List: - Planetary gear stage assembly video: Music I use: License code: YTTHFB2JQNMLPSMT
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