Cynthia McKinney Nails RUMSFELD with Hard Questions

Cynthia McKinney, in 2006 hearing recorded faithfully by C-Span nailed a major Defense contractor for SEX TRADE practices, and 911 issues on Rumsfeld & the “I don’t know“ 4 star General... And was Sept. 11th, 2001 a designated National Emergence DAY? No one bit on that question. and if the 4 star general is correct, that we were BETTER able to respond because of the military exercises, - - then why is it NO ONE of the alleged errant planes was shot down... . in retrospect, this Democrat from the far left out of Georgia, really nailed the fascist Rumsfeld, who got appointed by G.W. Bush after he was defeated for the U.S. Senate by a dead man.
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