City Greets The Princess (1958)

Full title reads: “Mansion House. City Greets The Princess“. London. Reception for Princess Margaret on her return from her tour. GV Princess Margaret walking towards dais with the Lord Mayor of London and others. SV Group of guests applauding. LV Lord Mayor of London, Sir Dennis Truscott, making welcoming speech, Princess Margaret seated, Lord Mayor turns and bows to her. SV Princess Margaret seated as the Lord Mayor makes his speech. SV Rt Hon. RA (Rab) Butler, Lord Privy Seal, standing amongst the guests. LV Lord Mayor finishes his speech and turns and bows to the Princess as the guests applaud. SV Group of guests applauding. LV Princess Margaret standing at the microphone about to begin her speech. SV Princess Margaret says “An example of how well travelled I am becoming is that when people now talk to me of Scarborough my mind turns less naturally to the North Riding than to Tobago“ (Laughter). LV “Today the West Indies looks forward to becoming a fully self-governing member of the
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