Совиное кафе

Вслед за кото-кафе в Японии появились кафе с совами. В этих заведениях любой желающий может получить удовольствие от общения с 14 разными видами сов. В стоимость часового посещения также входит напиток. The Cutest Owl Ever, at Japan’s Owl Cafe Welcome to Japan’s most famous Owl Cafe! Located just a few minutes south of Ikebukuro Station in Tokyo, Japan, the Ikefukurou owl cafe has fourteen owls for your viewing, photographing and petting pleasure. “Ikefukurou“ is a mixed word of the name of town, Ikebukuro, and Fukurou, which means “owl“ in Japanese. The place runs like clockwork as visitors are called in by name, given a short safety talk, and then allowed to spend the rest of the hour with the owls. The cover charge includes a fruit juice
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