What true-breeding means?

A true breeding is a kind of breeding wherein the parents would produce offspring that would carry the same phenotype. This means that the parents are homozygous for every trait. ... With plants, true breeding occurs when plants produce only offspring of the same variety when they self-pollinate. #trueBreedingRefersTo #trueBreedingTestCross #trueBreedingVsHomozygous #trueBreedingValue #trueBreedingVsHybridization #whatIsTrueBreeding #whatIsTrueBreedingInBiology #whatIsTrueBreedingLine #trueBreedingDefinitionBiology #trueBreedingPeaPlants #trueBreedingPlants #trueBreedingLinesMeaning #trueBreedingMendelianGenetics #trueBreedingPunnettSquare #trueBreedingExample #trueBreedingGenotypeExample #trueBreedingApBiology #science
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