Language tips to improve academic writing

Researchers often struggle with language used in academic writing. Don’t worry, help is at hand. Get high-quality English editing, improve readability, and ensure technical accuracy with Editage’s Standard Editing. Visit Creating a manuscript that encapsulates months of work and research into a concise, well-structured piece can be a daunting task. This often makes manuscript writing one of the most difficult steps on a researcher’s journey to publication. For one, authors must use formal language in academic writing. Focusing on grammar, sentence structure, tone, and word choice are some of the ways to improve your academic writing. In this short video, John McDonald, a peer reviewer, BELS-certified editor and academic writing trainer at Editage, shares four tips to improve academic writing: 1. Proper positioning of words to convey the most important ideas 2. How to choose between active voice versus passive voice 3. Importance of using simple words to improve readability 4. Cutting unnecessary words to ensure clarity, reduce word count Watch till the end to understand how you can improve your academic writing and deliver a more compelling and readable research paper. Find free author resources to succeed at every stage of academic publishing on
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