Virtua Fighter (Japanese: バーチャファイター) is a series of fighting games created by Sega-AM2 and designers Yu Suzuki and Seiichi Ishii. The original Virtua Fighter was released in November 28, 1993 and has received four main sequels and several spin-offs. The highly influential first Virtua Fighter game is widely recognized as the first 3D fighting game released.
Similar to most other fighting games, the default gameplay system of the Virtua Fighter series involves two combatants needing to win two of three rounds, with each round being 30 seconds long or more. If a character is knocked out (or falls out) of the ring, the opponent wins the round. A fourth round is necessary if a double knockout (both players knocking each other out at the same time) occurred in a previous round and the match is tied one round each. In this fourth round, players fight on a small stage wherein one hit equals victory.
The basic control scheme is simple, using only a control stick and three buttons (Punch, Kick, Guard). Through various timings, positions, and button combinations, players input normal and special moves for each character. Traditionally, in the single-player mode, the player runs a gauntlet of characters in the game (which may include one’s doppelganger) all the way to the final boss.
This is a list of games in the Virtua Fighter series:
Virtua Fighter – Arcade (1993), Sega Saturn (1994), Sega 32X (1995)
Virtua Fighter Remix – Saturn (1995), Arcade (1995), Windows (1996)
Virtua Fighter 10th Anniversary – PlayStation 2 (2003)
Virtua Fighter 2 – Arcade (1994), Saturn (1995), Sega Genesis (1996), Windows (1997)
Virtua Fighter 2.1 – Arcade (1995), Saturn (1995), Windows (1997), PlayStation 2 (2004), Xbox 360 (2012), PlayStation 3 (2012)
Virtua Fighter CG Portrait Series – Saturn (1996)
Virtua Fighter Animation – Game Gear (1996), Master System (1997)
Virtua Fighter Kids – Arcade (1996), Saturn (1996)
Fighters Megamix – Saturn (1996)
Virtua Fighter 3 – Arcade (1996)
Virtua Fighter 3tb – Arcade (1997), Dreamcast (1998)
Virtua Fighter 4 – Arcade (2001), PlayStation 2 (2002)
Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution – Arcade (2002), PlayStation 2 (2003)
Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned – Arcade (2004)
Virtua Quest – GameCube (2004), PlayStation 2 (2004)
Virtua Fighter 5 – Arcade (2006), PlayStation 3 (2007)
Virtua Fighter 5 Online – Xbox 360 (2007)
Virtua Fighter 5 R – Arcade (2008)
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown – Arcade (2010), Xbox 360 (2012), PlayStation 3 (2012), PlayStation 4 (2016)
Virtua Fighter: Cool Champ – Mobile (2011)
Virtua Fighter: Fever Combo – Mobile (2014)
The brainchild of Sega AM2’s Yu Suzuki, Virtua Fighter was released in 1993 as an arcade game using hardware jointly developed by aerospace technology firm Lockheed Martin and Sega, dubbed the Model 1.[3] It is considered the first polygon-based fighting game. It introduced the eight initial fighters as well as the boss, Dural.
Virtua Fighter 2 was released in November 1994, adding two new fighters: Shun Di and Lion Rafale. It was built using the Model 2 hardware, rendering characters and backgrounds with filtered texture mapping and motion capture.[4] A slightly-tweaked upgrade, Virtua Fighter 2.1, followed soon after.
Virtua Fighter 3 came out in 1996, with the introduction of Taka-Arashi and Aoi Umenokoji. Aside from improving the graphics via use of the Model 3 (such as mipmapping, multi-layer anti-aliasing, trilinear filtering and specular highlighting), the game also introduced undulations in some stages and a fourth button, Dodge. Virtua Fighter 3tb in 1997 was the first major update in series history, implementing tournament battles featuring more than two characters (though not simultaneously as in Tekken Tag Tournament).
Virtua Fighter 4, which introduced Vanessa Lewis and Lei-Fei and removed Taka-Arashi, was released on the NAOMI 2 hardware in 2001 instead of hardware from a joint collaboration with Lockheed Martin. The game also removed the uneven battlegrounds and the Dodge button from the previous game. The title is consistently popular in its home arcade market. Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution, released in 2002, was the first update to add new characters, these being Brad Burns and Goh Hinogami. Virtua Fighter 4: Final Tuned, an upgrade to Evolution, was released in the arcades in 2004. In Japan, Virtua Fighter 4 was famous for spearheading and opening the market for internet functionality in arcades.
Virtua Fighter 5 was released in Japan on July 12, 2006 for Sega’s Lindbergh arcade board and introduced yet two more new characters, Eileen and El Blaze. Similar to its predecessor, two revisions were later released. Virtua Fighter 5 R, released on July 24, 2008, saw the return of Taka-Arashi while introducing a new fighter, Jean Kujo. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown was released in arcades on July 29, 2010.
vf3 vf3tb virtua fighter 3
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