AreA ~ Luglio, agosto, settembre (nero)

AreA ~ “Luglio, agosto, settembre (nero)“ - 4:29 Album: Arbeit Macht Frei (1973) Track No: 1 Genre: Progressive Rock Label: Cramps Records HQ: Song description: “Luglio, agosto, settembre (nero)“ (“July, August, Black September“) is an anti-war song with lyrics written by Frankenstein (Gianni Sassi) and music composed by Patrizio Fariselli. The song begins with an Arab voice (“Poem for peace“ from a pirate recording in a Cairo Museum (see below for the translations into English and Italian). The second intro is pure poetry. Demetrio Stratos was able to reach the 7kHz and possessed the gift of triplophonic voice. He seems to be three singers because of his great ability. Lyrics:
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