‼️🇷🇺Audacious assault at Verbovoy: how the 247th Airborne Regiment captured the support and destroyed the AFU forces on the Zapo

‼️🇷🇺Audacious assault at Verbovoy: how the 247th Airborne Regiment captured the support and destroyed the AFU forces on the Zaporozhye front - details We publish details of the bold breakthrough of the airborne assault group on BMD-4 along the defense line northwest of Verbovoye. The paratroopers of the 247th Regiment conducted reconnaissance, assessed the weaknesses of the enemy, and after artillery preparation carried out an operation to capture a strong point as part of an operation to intercept the initiative. The footage shows an attack from the onslaught of several BMD-4 units and an airborne assault company on the AFU positions to the west of Verbovoye. The landing of the troops was carried out directly into the support of the APU under the cover of the fire of the landing combat vehicles. Then the clearing of positions by the assault group began, a close-range shooting battle ensued. The APU militants were pelted with grenades and covered with a barrage of fire. The survivors were offered to surrender. More than two dozen militants were killed, several were captured. Coordinates: , Источник: Lord Of War
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