Dominoes Melbourne 2016

Dominoes takes as its starting point the simplest of ideas ... a line of dominoes. Thousands of breezeblocks were lined-up to create a moving sculpture which threads its way through our wonderful city. Down streets and laneways, through buildings and landmarks, occasionally disappearing and then resurfacing, the domino line unfolded over the course of one unforgettable day. On February 6, 2016, Dominoes brought together hundreds of trained volunteers and over thirty thousand onlookers, for a celebratory event that transformed our city and helped create links and build connections across Melbourne’s diverse communities. Community volunteers were the key to making all this happen. Each taking ownership of a section of the route and working together to ensure the tumbling dominoes continue on their winding journey. In the week prior to the ‘fall’, the project extended into suburban and outer metro Melbourne, engaging with communities to film the dominoes snaking their way throu
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