Noah the miracle - Boy born with just 2% brain

#Porencephaly #Miraclebaby #Braindevelopment Noah is one of the miracles in the world of modern-day medicine who is surprising doctors every day. Noah was not meant to be born since his parents were advised to terminate the pregnancy at 5 different times and they were absolutely devastated but Noah’s parents went on to keep him. As early as 12 weeks into the pregnancy during a scan, they identified there was a problem with Noah’s development and had to go get the doctor for verification. Noah’s parents were confused about why they had to consult with the doctor when they could see their baby on the screen and seem fine. Then subsequently Noah’s mother had to go through an MRI scan and a lot of scans to make sure of Noah’s condition. They found that there are serious complications in his brain. The diagnosis result showed Noah had a Porencephalic Disruptive Cyst condition that destroys the brain. Doctors believed that Noah would not survive and had issued a non-re
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