Paying health in Battlegrounds? | Hearth Tech#296

00:00 Intro Paying health in Battlegrounds? 00:13 Test1 Choose One spells cast by Prison of Yogg-Saron may choose a different target. 00:40 Test2 Cold Feet’s effect will double after you play a Hero card. 01:20 Test3 Drustvar Horror can’t cast Objective spells. 02:05 Test4 Minions summoned by Baroness Vashj don’t have any enchantment. 02:30 Test5 Trigger Mogu Cultist’s Battlecry in hand and play it again, it summons Ra even its conditon is not met. 03:51 Test6 Paying health can’t trigger Keyboard Igniter. 04:58 Outro BGM: In Colour Twitter: #Hearthstone
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