How I scored on SSLs with one basic mechanic

🕹 Get a browser that’s literally better at everything: Sponsored by Opera GX! One of Rocket League’s most deadly mechanics is simpler than you think. In fact, I bet YOU could learn it in less than a day. The best part is, even though it’s pretty easy to learn, it’s also extremely effective even at the top level of Rocket League. This is how I scored on SSLs with one basic mechanic. Air Dribble Tutorial: Thanks to these guys for helping out! Josh Bagel @Virge Durtho: Wuzy: My Links ‣ Discord: ‣ Twitter: ‣ Twitch: ‣ Instagram: ‣ TikTok: @waytonpilkin The Air Dribble is probably the most commonly overcomplicat
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