Pasha Parfeni - My Wine - Eurovision 2020, Moldova (Official Video)
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Booking and Management:
Music - Pasha Parfeni
Lyrics - Vica Demici
Bass - Sadovic Vladimir
Drums - Eugeniu Martea
Guitar - Hadzevici Andjei
Trombon -Tabac Nicolae
Trompet - Dumitru Hanganu, Cazac Ghenadie
Sax -Zaiats Oleg
Back Vocal - Handuca Mihaela
Arrangement - Pasha Parfeni
Recorded, co produced,
mixed and mastered by Voluta Valentin
Director - Nikita Volok
DOP -Evghenii Dedkov
Post -- Ilya Crestnicov
Styling - Yana Pozitivi
MUAH - Tatiana Kodreanu
Audio post-production:
Elias Tadeus
Mickle Bakalov
Special thanks to
Ansamblu model “Romanita“ de la CEMF, (Conducator artistic - Maestru in Arte Mihai Siminica)
And Milestii Mici Winery.
You’re my light, you’re my all,
You’re the muse of my soul
Here I am once again
Kind of lost in your game
Is it magic?
Come along, come along,
Stay with me in my song
Playing solo this role
Wouldn’t be fun at all
You are my wine
I have to drink to stay alive
When you steal my nights
Switching off my skies
Grounding all my flights
You’re my sky, you’re my stars
You’re my Venus and Mars
You’re the light of this spot
I am lost in your plot
Is it magic?
Hold my hand and this chance
To link up in a dance
Come along, come along,
Stay with me in my song
You are my wine
I have to drink to stay alive
When you steal my nights
Switching off my skies
Grounding all my flights
©&℗ 2017 Lautar Music Lab
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