ISLES OF THE GREAT GODDESS Flow State Song With An Ancient Stonehenge, Scotland

Listen / Download - Deya Dova recording ISLES OF THE GREAT GODDESS - a flow state song spontaneously sung within an ancient stone henge. Recorded live on location in nature with the Standing Stones of Stenness, Orkney Islands, Scotland, within Earth energy line intersection UVG Planetary Grid Point 11. ISLES OF THE GREAT GODDESS is the title track of Album 12 from the Planetary Grid Music Collection - From Deya Dova’s 7 year Planetary Grid Music Journey singing and recording with the resonance of living breathing Earth - Gaia - at over 44 locations across the planet. “Structural strings vibrate and quiver and the sound that arises is a gentle and soothing song. In dawn’s mystical light the megalithic Standing Stones of Stenness loom and lean into circle. As I sing I am being shifted along the timelines to a epoch when benevolent beings mapped and measured the Earth. A grand celestial cartography designed to stabilise the wild creative state of planet Earth. As I sing I feel the architects of the ring. Their purpose to create Heaven on Earth. These are some of the oldest and tallest standing stones in all the British Isles. From here the great stone circle revolution swept south to Callanish, Avebury and Stonehenge. I sing spontaneously with the land, looking out to the clouds billowing across the horizon, and the hills of Hoy. The whole topography of the landscape is a sacred space, a grand grooved ware cauldron. Within it, this monumental stone structure ingeniously arranged to anchor and enhance the abundant Earth energy. At the centre of the henge now lays a great stone hearth. The voices that flow in are mythic and lyrical filled with a sacred flame. Like the female bones buried underneath Orcadian hearth’s. An inextinguishable fire. Like the energetic imprints of fallen stones, somethings never disappear. And so it is. She re-appears. Through the mists, not of body but robed in a cloak of stars. And as I sing my crown is filled with the heavens, astronomical alignments and a luminous luna connection. As I sing I feel the women. The Divine Sacred Feminine. The Shamanin. The entire Earths-cape is interwoven, imbued and ritualised with ceremonial honouring. A shamanic, matristic land devoted to the celebration and reverence of Life and it’s consort Death. As I sing I see, these are the temples of the Great Goddess Tradition. And as I sing I am remembering the sacred marriage between Earth and Sky. Sovereign Queen and sovereign King. As above so below. Reflected throughout the holy Isles of the Great Goddess. And so it is. It is done. The balance is restored. Let the feasting and celebration begin. CONNECT I am Deya Dova. I grew up in a remote town on the edge of the Nullarbor desert of South Australia. I taught myself to sing, sitting on the Earth, with vast horizon lines and immense desert starscapes. For the last 7 years I have been called to return to the origins of my music making, to record Earth songs on the energy lines around the planet. I call it the - Planetary Grid Music Collection - an artistic exploration of sound mapping with the voice, field recording in nature and connecting with the Earth’s energetic system. The Planetary Grid songs are live location recordings sung in direct response to the natural landscape. Being in a state of deep listening with Mother Earth, with our living breathing planet - Gaia. The video footage organically follows the live recording of the song as it unfolds in the moment. It is not like a usual music video with set shots, repeated takes and singing to a prerecorded song. These songs are released as an exclusive series of 12 mini albums. A wellspring of Meditation Music, Healing Music and Yoga Music connecting with the healing resonance of Earth. I share my experience as an artist with you in appreciation of the beauty and wonder of our planet.
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