Russian winter. Moscow vs Urals. What’s the difference?

Contents 00:00-Introduction 00:39-Winter in Moscow 03:26-Winter in the Southern Urals 06:42-Back to Moscow How winter in Moscow and the Southern Urals differ? In Moscow, snow usually melts very quickly, so the next day streets are muddy. However, when it is snowing as fluffy as today you should enjoy the moment. And many people do so. As you can see, In the central streets snow is melting , cars are rolling it out, and besides, municipal services are actively cleaning it up. However, due to the heavy snowfall on the small streets, the winter mood will still remain for the time being. I sometimes hear news that due to heavy snowfall, there has been a transport collapse in one or another country in Europe. For people of Russia, this sounds strange, because if transport stopped due to snow in Russia, then life would also be suspended altogether in our country. Of course, there are times when the roads are covered with snow so that it is not possible to pass, but they are promptly cleared
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