【vflower】STRIKE 3【VOCALOID Original】

Edgy teens get off my lawn --- I’m sorry this one has fallen victim to the i-used-this-ugly-bass-as-placeholder-but-then-got-too-used-to-the-way-it-sounds-and-the-song-feels-empty-without-it disease. After The Mill I wanted to make something simpler, so I pulled an angery vflower singing to an obnoxious inferno guitar move! I’m not fully satisfied with both the song and the video (the latter one especially), but I think it turned out pretty fun overall, even though it does end kinda anticlimactically, hahah Also, I apologize my tuning here is not the best, but making flower sing comprehensible English at 175BPM is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone EDIT: noticed two really dumb spelling mistakes only after the vid has been uploaded, gj me Don’t trust your phone’s autocorrect, kiddos✊😔 LINKS: Confused about what’s going on? Read this doc:
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