Drakwald - Devouring the Living Sun

Текст с Bandcamp’a: “Fracture! The ground open in half letting out a green and purulent liquid Men then turn to the golden calf, sulfur in the air made its first victim It’s the purification of all living things, black sun rises above the horizon Smell the air filled with vitriol, this is the beginning of the endless night The gigantic green lion devouring the sun alive A purulent green liquid purifying the golden calf Look at the sun and tell me, did you see the gigantic green lion eating the sun alive Devouring the putrid flesh left by the men, cleaning the world tonight Making corruption disappear and earth shine again Can you see under layers covered with dirt a ray of light piercing through the filth of men Can you hear a thousands soul agonizing? A green liquid covering the world of men Sulfur! The lion bites the sun consuming matter of all the living things Darkness then covered all the world, the ages of black sun have now begun It’s the purification of all living things, black sun rises above the horizon Smell the air filled with vitriol, this is the beginning of the endless night Look at the sun and tell me, did you see the gigantic green lion eating the sun alive Devouring the putrid flesh left by the men, cleaning the world tonight Making corruption disappear and earth shine again! Can you see under layers covered with dirt a ray of light piercing through the filth of men Can you hear a thousands soul agonizing? A green liquid covering the world of men The gigantic green lion devouring the sun alive A purulent green liquid purifying the golden calf from Black Moon Falls, released January 12, 2023“
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