What if we discovered a book from the future revealing humanity’s path to a perfect society? Will its secrets unite us or spark controversy?
Join us this Thursday at 2pm EST as we unveil an unbelievable manuscript.
The Great Transition
00:00 Welcome to The Great Transition
2:14 Can We See into the Future?
7:02 How Kabbalists Understand and Articulate the Future of Evolution
15:35 The Last Generation by Baal HaSulam
19:35 Why Is This Text Called “The Last Generation”?
23:17 Reading from the Writings of The Last Generation
25:06 Understanding Our Purpose and Direction
29:38 “The End of the Act Is in the Preliminary Thought”
34:38 Humans in Nature’s Structure
39:13 Exploring Spiritual Development
47:13 Baal HaSulam’s Allegory
49:24 The Solution Is in Our Hands
55:06 A Hopeful Message from Baal HaSulam
59:16 Closing
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