#HUGEBIRDTRIEDTOTAKEMYPUPPYS🐶🐶🦅🦅 #BirdTriedToTakeMyPuppys #BirdTryingToEatPuppys #BirdTakingPuppy #PuppyBeingTakenByBird Hello everyone and welcome to my channel if you are new and if you are Returning Welcome Back today was a Day that I had to come on here to tell you all about my Crazy experience with this Huge Bird that tried to take my Puppy. This Bird Better Back up..... I hope you all are having a Good Day today thank you all for watching If you all are looking for a good recipe you have found the right channel because I love to. share my recipes with you all I also love to teach how to cook so enjoy the recipes feel free to check out my Playlist of all of the videos that I have. As I always like to say God Bless you all Good night until the next Video Bye y’all 😊
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