20 More Stupid Commercials

GAH-lic Here 20 more dumb ads and also 6 GOOD Ads WHY EACH AD SUCKS 20-Bad Movie 19-Weird Salesman,Weird Lines 18-Stupid direction 17-(Censored) 16-POOP 15-Says “Yoshi Too much“ 14- Annoying narrator 13-Di-Di-Die! 12-Fake 11-Also Fake 10- Cringey 9- Annoying Chant 8- No Point 7- Dumb 6- Also Also Fake 5-Also Bad Movie 4- Racist Teacher 3-Serial Killer 2-Bad Animation 1-EVRYTHING!!!!!!! Why the six ads ROCK! 6- Great Game 5-Fun and Clever 4-Cute Animation 3-Funny 2-Nice Animation 1-ADORABLE
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