How to do laundry when you’re depressed | KC Davis | TEDxMileHigh

When you’re burned out, taking care of yourself (or your family) can feel nearly impossible. Therapist KC Davis gets it, and she’s got a message for anyone struggling with daily tasks: you’re not lazy. Care tasks, she says, are neither good nor bad — they’re morally neutral. Davis offers creative shortcuts and workarounds for everything from using wet wipes when you can’t manage a shower to sealing dirty dishes in a giant zip-loc until you feel up to washing them. Because regardless of your mental health struggles, you are a person worthy of a functional space. KC Davis is a licensed professional therapist, author, speaker, and founder of Struggle Care. KC Davis began her therapy journey at 16 when she entered treatment for drug addiction. Today, she teaches a compassionate and practical approach to self & home care for those dealing with mental health, physical illness, and hard seasons of life. Her methodology has attracted 1M followers on social media in less than a year. H
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