Istanbul Without Restrictions Nişantaşı Walking Tour 2July 2021|4k UHD 60fps

Walking tour in Istanbul without any restrictions in Nişantaşı Neighborhood is really enjoyable and exciting With the end of all restrictions in Turkey and the full reopening, Istanbul has become more exciting than ever. Nişantaşı neighborhood in Istanbul is one of the most unique and can be said to be famous for its fashion and clothing neighborhood. At Nişantaşı you can easily order any outfit you like Nişantaşı is one of the most famous neighborhoods in Istanbul. There is also a large Nişantaş University in this neighborhood. Nişantaşı neighborhood is back to normal after reopening and removing all restrictions You can feel the excitement when you walk the streets of this neighborhood Reopened cafes and restaurants so customers can enjoy coffee and Turkish food - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Istanbul Without Restrictions Nişantaşı Walking Tour 2July 2021|4k UHD 60fps - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Capture Date : July 2 , 2021, Climatic Condition : Sunny Air Temperature: 28 ℃ 🌡 - - - -
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