How to setup and use Docker on Free AWS Linux | Complete beginners hands-on in 7 Steps

🔥 All Free Tutorials - 2nd Part SETUP Step 1 - Create an account on AWS and login to your account Step 2 - Launch a AWS Linux EC2 Instance and connect to your AWS Instance - Check linux information cat /etc/*-release rpm -E %{rhel} Step 3 - Install Docker sudo yum update -y sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker sudo docker —version Step 4 - Start Docker service - sudo service docker start Step 5 - Check Docker is running - sudo docker info Step 6 - Add the “ec2-user“ to the docker group so you can run Docker commands without using sudo: sudo usermod -aG docker ec2-user Exit and reconnect to the instance for this to take effect logout Step 7 - Test your Docker installat ... #RaghavPal #how_to_setup_docker_on_linux #Deploying_containers_on_AWS_Linux_with_Docker #AWS_and_Docker:_A_perfect_match_for_cloud_computing #From_zero_to_Docker_on_AWS_in_under_30_minutes #Mastering_Docker_on_AWS_-_Tips_and_techniques_for_effective_containerization. 20230314 UgTt8qOsgEU
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